Christine Henson successfully argued exceptional hardship for motorcyclist speeding 94 in 70mph zone including roadwork restrictions of 40mph. Due to other points on his licence would have been automatically disqualified unless he proved exceptional hardship. He has kept his licence.
Case was listed for a fact-finding in respect of cross allegations of domestic violence Timothy Bergin acted for a father. The mother was opposed to parental responsibility and direct contact. On basis of limited admissions made by father, the Court were content…
Family law act injunction and occupation order. Issued by client in person with support from Worth Domestic Violence project – client not eligible for public funding. Husband was unpleasant controlling man. Two children, one with significant needs. Anticipated fully contested case. A…
An entrepreneur sold his shares in a media company with instalments of the seven figure purchase price being paid over a number of years. There was a dispute about the tax treatment by the company of payment of instalments, the calculation of…
In recognition of their contributions to the training and education of social workers we are pleased to announce that Richard Ager and Clare Ciborowska of Barrister For Me have been appointed Associates of the School of Social Work and Social Care at the University…
With great sadness we announce that Ghulam Hussain died suddenly and unexpectedly of a heart attack on Friday, 13 February. His funeral took place at a mosque in Leeds on Sunday 15 February and his colleagues at Barrister For Me have expressed their sincere condolences…
Family Law barrister Anita Mehta, a member of Barrister For Me, recently had an article published in Family Law Week arguing that Schedule 1 to the Children Act 1989 applications should not be regarded solely as the domain of footballers’ girlfriends or the extremely wealthy but…